[Windows] Kill any running process by name

Open in Script Kit

// Name: Kill
// Description: Immediately terminates a Windows process using `taskkill /F /im <name.exe>`
// Keyword: kill
// Pass: true
import '@johnlindquist/kit'
import { Choice } from '@johnlindquist/kit'
const cache = await db({ recents: ["node.exe"] as string[] })
const exe = arg.pass ?? await arg('Type the name of a .exe to kill', cache.recents.map(x => {
if (x === 'node.exe') {
return {
name: x,
description: "CAUTION: This will stop all Kit Scripts (including this one, so there won't be an output)",
value: x
} as Choice
return x
cache.recents = Array.from(new Set(cache.recents).add(exe))
try {
const res = await exec(`taskkill /F /im "${exe}"`)
await div(res.stdout + res.stderr)
} catch (err) {
if (err.exitCode === 128) {
await div('No process was active.')