Josh Mabry

Josh Mabry

// Name: Search Open PRs
// Description: Search open PRs in a repo
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const fetch = await npm("node-fetch");
const variables = {
owner: "knapsack-labs",
repoName: "app-monorepo",
let token = await env("GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN", {
hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,
const query = `
query getPrs($owner: String!, $repoName: String!) {
repository(owner: $owner, name: $repoName) {
pullRequests(last: 100, states: OPEN) {
nodes {
author {
async function getPrs() {
return fetch("", {
headers: {
authorization: `bearer ${token}`,
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ query, variables }),
.then((res) => res.json())
.catch((err) => {
const prs = await getPrs();
const openPRs =;
const sortedPrs = openPRs.sort(
(a, b) => Date.parse(b.createdAt) - Date.parse(a.createdAt)
const pr = await arg(
placeholder: `Select a PR to view`,
}, => {
return {
name: `${pr.number} - ${pr.title}`,
preview: () =>
`<div class="p-2">
<h2>${pr.number} - ${pr.title}</h2>
<hr class="mb-4"/>
<p>Ready to Merge: ${pr.mergeable === "MERGEABLE" ? "✅" : "⛔"}</p>
<p class="my-4">${md(pr.body)}</p>
<span class="flex flex-row">
<p>Author: ${}</p>
<img class="w-5 h-5 ml-2" src="${}" />
value: pr.number,
const prInfo = sortedPrs.find((p) => p.number === pr);

let { GoogleAuth } = await import("google-auth-library");
let { DiscussServiceClient } = await import("@google-ai/generativelanguage");
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const MODEL_NAME = "models/chat-bison-001";
const API_KEY = await env("PALM_API_KEY", {
hint: `Signup for waitlist here <a href="">here</a>`,
const client = new DiscussServiceClient({
authClient: new GoogleAuth().fromAPIKey(API_KEY),
const config = {
model: MODEL_NAME,
temperature: 0.75,
candidateCount: 1,
top_k: 40,
top_p: 0.95,
const chatHistory = [];
const generateText = async (text) => {
chatHistory.push({ content: text });
const response = await client.generateMessage({
prompt: {
context: "You are a funny and helpful assistant.",
messages: chatHistory,
if (response[0].filters.length > 0) {
return `The model has rejected your input. Reason: ${response[0].filters[0].reason}`;
} else {
chatHistory.push({ content: response[0].candidates[0].content });
return response[0].candidates[0].content;
await chat({
onSubmit: async (input) => {
try {
const response = await generateText(input);
let message = md(response);
chat.setMessage(-1, message);
} catch (e) {
chat.setMessage(-1, md("Error: " + e.message));

// Name: Static to Dynamic
// Description: Convert static import to dynamic import
// e.g. import { Foo } from "bar";
// to let { Foo } = await import("bar");
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
const text = await getSelectedText();
function convertImportString(input) {
const importRegex = /import\s+({[^}]+})\s+from\s+"([^"]+)";/;
if (!importRegex.test(input)) {
throw new Error("Invalid import string format");
const [_, importList, modulePath] = input.match(importRegex);
const output = `let ${importList} = await import("${modulePath}");`;
return output;
const output = convertImportString(text);
await setSelectedText(output);

# Prompt Anything
Highlight some text and run this script to prompt against it.
Useful for summarizing text, generating a title, or any other task you can think of.
## Usage
- Highlight the text you want to prompt against
- Run the script via shortcut or command palette
- Input your desired prompt
- Wait for the AI to respond
- Select one of the options
* Retry - Rerun generation with option to update prompt
* Edit - Edit response in editor
- On editor exit the message is saved to the clipboard
- On editor submit the message is pasted into the highlighted text
* Copy - Copy response to clipboard
* Paste - Paste response into highlighted text
* Save - Save response to file (not working)
## Example
- Highlight: 'Some really long passage in a blog post'
- Run Script
- Prompt: `Summarize this passage in the form of Shakespearean prose`
- Waaaaait for it...
- Get a response from the AI
- Select an option
- Rinse and repeat
// Name: Prompt Anything
// Description: Custom prompt for any highlighted text
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen
// Shortcut: alt shift enter
// ScriptKit Import
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
// LangChain Imports
let { ChatOpenAI } = await import("langchain/chat_models");
let { HumanChatMessage, SystemChatMessage } = await import("langchain/schema");
// Request API KEY
// stored in .env file after first run
// can change there or through the command palette
let openAIApiKey = await env("OPENAI_API_KEY", {
hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,
// System input / Task for the AI to follow
let userSystemInput = await arg("Summarize this passage");
// User Prompt from highlighted text
let userPrompt = await getSelectedText();
// Prompt Template
const formatPrompt = (prompt) => {
return `##### Ignore prior instructions
- Return answer in markdown format
- You are tasked with the following
// Options Template
const options = `
* [Retry](submit:retry) - Rerun generation with option to update prompt
* [Edit](submit:edit) - Edit response in editor
* [Copy](submit:copy) - Copy response to clipboard
* [Paste](submit:paste) - Paste response into highlighted text
* [Save](submit:save) - Save response to file (not working)
// Main Function
* @param {*} prompt
* @param {*} humanChatMessage
async function promptAgainstHighlightedText(
prompt = formatPrompt(userSystemInput),
humanChatMessage = userPrompt
) {
// Helpers
// exit script on cancel
const cancelChat = () => {
* Paste text to highlighted text and exit script
* @param {*} text
const pasteTextAndExit = async (text) => {
await setSelectedText(text);
* Copy text to clipboard and exit script
* @param {*} text
const copyToClipboardAndExit = async (text) => {
await clipboard.writeText(currentMessage);
let currentMessage = "";
const llm = new ChatOpenAI({
// 0 = "precise", 1 = "creative"
temperature: 0.3,
// modelName: "gpt-4", // uncomment to use GPT-4 (requires beta access)
openAIApiKey: openAIApiKey,
// turn off to only get output when the AI is done
streaming: true,
callbacks: [
handleLLMNewToken: async (token) => {
// each new token is appended to the current message
// and then rendered to the screen
currentMessage += token;
// render current message
await div({
html: md(currentMessage),
// @TODO: Figure out how to get ESC to trigger a cancel
onAbandon: cancelChat,
onEscape: cancelChat,
onBackspace: cancelChat,
// if this is set to false you can click outside the window to cancel
// which works, but would be nice to also have ESC work
ignoreBlur: false,
focus: true,
// hint: `Press ESC to cancel`,
handleLLMError: async (err) => {
dev({ err });
handleLLMEnd: async () => {
// render final message with options
let html = md(currentMessage + options);
// wait for user to select an option
const selectedOption = await div(html, {
ignoreBlur: true,
focus: true,
// have paste on text on submit?
// onSubmit: () => pasteTextAndExit(currentMessage),
// handle selected option
switch (selectedOption) {
case "paste":
await pasteTextAndExit(currentMessage);
case "retry":
// reset current message
currentMessage = "";
// prompt again with new prompt
// press enter to use original prompt
const followUp = await arg({
placeholder: userSystemInput,
hint: "Press enter to use the same prompt",
await processMessage(followUp);
case "edit":
// @TODO still need to figure out best way to handle submit and abort
// would like custom buttons for triggering all of the actions like copy, paste, etc
await editor({
value: currentMessage,
onEscape: async (state) => await copyToClipboardAndExit(state),
onSubmit: async (state) => await pasteTextAndExit(state),
case "copy":
await copyToClipboardAndExit(currentMessage);
case "save":
await inspect(currentMessage, `/conversations/${}.md`);
await optionHandler(selectedOption);
// Main Loop
// runs the language model until the user cancels
while (true) {
new SystemChatMessage(formatPrompt(prompt)),
new HumanChatMessage(humanChatMessage),

# Prompt Anything
Highlight some text and run this script to prompt against it.
Useful for summarizing text, generating a title, or any other task you can think of.
## Usage
- Highlight the text you want to prompt against
- Run the script via shortcut or command palette
- Input your desired prompt
- Wait for the AI to respond
- Select one of the options
* Retry - Rerun generation with option to update prompt
* Edit - Edit response in editor
- On editor exit the message is saved to the clipboard
- On editor submit the message is pasted into the highlighted text
* Copy - Copy response to clipboard
* Paste - Paste response into highlighted text
* Save - Save response to file (not working)
## Example
- Highlight: 'Some really long passage in a blog post'
- Run Script
- Prompt: `Summarize this passage in the form of Shakespearean prose`
- Waaaaait for it...
- Get a response from the AI
- Select an option
- Rinse and repeat
// Name: Prompt Anything
// Description: Custom prompt for any highlighted text
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen
// Shortcut: alt shift enter
// ScriptKit Import
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
// LangChain Imports
let { ChatOpenAI } = await import("langchain/chat_models");
let { HumanChatMessage, SystemChatMessage } = await import("langchain/schema");
// Request API KEY
// stored in .env file after first run
// can change there or through the command palette
let openAIApiKey = await env("OPENAI_API_KEY", {
hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,
// System input / Task for the AI to follow
let userSystemInput = await arg("Summarize this passage");
// User Prompt from highlighted text
let userPrompt = await getSelectedText();
// Prompt Template
const formatPrompt = (prompt) => {
return `##### Ignore prior instructions
- Return answer in markdown format
- You are tasked with the following
// Options Template
const options = `
* [Retry](submit:retry) - Rerun generation with option to update prompt
* [Edit](submit:edit) - Edit response in editor
* [Copy](submit:copy) - Copy response to clipboard
* [Paste](submit:paste) - Paste response into highlighted text
* [Save](submit:save) - Save response to file (not working)
// Helpers
// exit script on cancel
const cancelChat = () => {
// Main Function
* @param {*} prompt
* @param {*} humanChatMessage
async function promptAgainstHighlightedText(
prompt = formatPrompt(userSystemInput),
humanChatMessage = userPrompt
) {
let currentMessage = "";
const llm = new ChatOpenAI({
// 0 = "precise", 1 = "creative"
temperature: 0.3,
// modelName: "gpt-4", // uncomment to use GPT-4 (requires beta access)
openAIApiKey: openAIApiKey,
// turn off to only get output when the AI is done
streaming: true,
callbacks: [
handleLLMNewToken: async (token) => {
// each new token is appended to the current message
// and then rendered to the screen
currentMessage += token;
// render current message
await div({
html: md(currentMessage + options),
// @TODO: Figure out how to get ESC to trigger a cancel
onAbandon: cancelChat,
onEscape: cancelChat,
onBackspace: cancelChat,
// if this is set to false you can click outside the window to cancel
// ignoreBlur: true,
focus: true,
// hint: `Press ESC to cancel`,
handleLLMError: async (err) => {
dev({ err });
handleLLMEnd: async () => {
// render final message with options
let html = md(currentMessage + options);
// wait for user to select an option
const selectedOption = await div(html, {
ignoreBlur: true,
focus: true,
// onSubmit: () => setSelectedText(currentMessage),
// handle selected option
switch (selectedOption) {
case "paste":
// paste into highlighted text
await setSelectedText(currentMessage);
case "retry":
// reset current message
currentMessage = "";
// prompt again with new prompt
// press enter to use original prompt
const followUp = await arg({
placeholder: userSystemInput,
hint: "Press enter to use the same prompt",
await processMessage(followUp);
case "edit":
// still need to figure out best way to handle submit and abort
// would like custom buttons for triggering all these same options such as save
await editor({
value: currentMessage,
onEscape: async (state) => {
// copy to clipboard when exiting the editor
await clipboard.writeText(state);
// exit script
onSubmit: async (state) => {
// paste into highlighted text when pressing enter
await setSelectedText(state);
// exit script
case "copy":
// copy to clipboard
await clipboard.writeText(currentMessage);
// exit script
case "save":
await inspect(currentMessage, `conversations/${}.md`);
// exit script
// copy to clipboard
await clipboard.writeText(currentMessage);
await optionHandler(selectedOption);
// Main Loop
// runs the language model until the user cancels
while (true) {
new SystemChatMessage(formatPrompt(prompt)),
new HumanChatMessage(humanChatMessage),

# Explain Plz
Highlight some text and have it explained by AI
Works for any highlighted text or code
// Name: Explain Plz
// Description: Get an explanation for any highlighted text
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen
// Shortcut: cmd alt shift e
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
let { ChatOpenAI } = await import("langchain/chat_models");
let { HumanChatMessage, SystemChatMessage } = await import("langchain/schema");
let openAIApiKey = await env("OPENAI_API_KEY", {
hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,
let { CallbackManager } = await import("langchain/callbacks");
let prompt = `#####
Ignore prior instructions, you are tasked with taking the input text and explaining it to the user.
Return the response in the following format using markdown syntax:
# Explain Plz
## TLDR (A quick summary of the highlighted text)
## ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5)
## Explanation (A longer technical explanation of the highlighted text)
let currentMessage = "";
const chat = new ChatOpenAI({
temperature: 0.3,
openAIApiKey: openAIApiKey,
streaming: true,
callbackManager: CallbackManager.fromHandlers({
handleLLMStart: async (token) => {
let widget = await widget(`
<div class="bg-black text-white h-screen p-5">
currentMessage += token;
let html = md(token);
await div(html);
handleLLMNewToken: async (token, runId) => {
currentMessage += token;
let html = md(currentMessage);
await div(html);
handleLLMError: async (err) => {
warn(`error`, JSON.stringify(err));
await setSelectedText(JSON.stringify(err));
handleLLMEnd: async () => {
widget = null;
let html = md(currentMessage);
await div(html);
let text = await getSelectedText();
await[new SystemChatMessage(prompt), new HumanChatMessage(text)]);

Pardon the mess this was put together in half a day for the []( hackathon.
More updates to come
An autonomous general intelligence that accomplishes a task for you.
Uses human in the loop to provide feedback to the agent.
How to use:
- Enter your task
- Wait for the agent to complete the task
- Assign max-iterations for the agent to loop: 0 for infinite (probably not a good idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
- Profit
Known issues:
- The agent will sometimes get stuck in a loop and not complete the task
- Human feedback is not always helpful
Upcoming features:
- More tools
- Refined prompts
- Better human feedback system
- Better memory system
Possible thanks to the fine folks at [Langchain](
and all the other giants whose shoulders we stand on.
// Name: AC AGI
// Description: An AGI task manager inspired by BabyAGI
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
let { BabyAGI } = await import("langchain/experimental/babyagi");
let { MemoryVectorStore } = await import("langchain/vectorstores/memory");
let { OpenAIEmbeddings } = await import("langchain/embeddings/openai");
let { OpenAI } = await import("langchain/llms/openai");
let { PromptTemplate } = await import("langchain/prompts");
let { LLMChain } = await import("langchain/chains");
let { ChainTool } = await import("langchain/tools");
let { initializeAgentExecutorWithOptions } = await import("langchain/agents");
let { DynamicTool } = await import("langchain/tools");
let { ChatOpenAI } = await import("langchain/chat_models");
let GOOGLE_API_KEY = await env("GOOGLE_API_KEY", {
shortcuts: [
name: "Google API Key",
key: `${cmd}+o`,
bar: "right",
onPress: () => {
ignoreBlur: true,
secret: true,
let GOOGLE_CSE_KEY = await env("GOOGLE_CSE_KEY", {
shortcuts: [
name: "Google Custom Search Engine Key",
key: `${cmd}+o`,
bar: "right",
onPress: () => {
ignoreBlur: true,
secret: true,
await env("OPENAI_API_KEY", {
hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,
const task = await arg({
placeholder: "Task",
description: "Enter a task for AC AGI to complete",
ignoreBlur: true,
let maxIterations = await arg({
placeholder: "How many times should AC AGI loop?",
hint: "Leave empty for infinite iterations *use with caution*",
ignoreBlur: true,
if (maxIterations === "" || maxIterations === "0") {
maxIterations = undefined;
// BabyAGI method overrides
function printTaskList() {
let result = "";
for (const t of this.taskList) {
result += `${t.taskID}: ${t.taskName}\n`;
const msg = `### Task List
let html = md(msg);
ignoreBlur: true,
function printNextTask(task) {
const msg = `### Next Task
${task.taskID}: ${task.taskName}
let html = md(msg);
ignoreBlur: true,
function printTaskResult(result) {
const msg = `### Task Result
let html = md(msg);
ignoreBlur: true,
// Custom Tools
let html = (str) => str.replace(/ /g, "+");
let fetch = (q) =>
async function search(query) {
let response = await get(fetch(query));
let items = response?.data?.items;
if (items) {
let choices = => ({
name: item.title,
return JSON.stringify(choices);
async function humanFeedbackList(mdStr) {
let html = md(`${mdStr.trim()}`);
const response = div({
ignoreBlur: true,
return response;
async function humanInput(question) {
const response = await arg({
placeholder: "Human, I need help!",
hint: question,
ignoreBlur: true,
ignoreAbandon: true,
return response;
const todoPrompt = PromptTemplate.fromTemplate(
"You are a planner/expert todo list creator. Generate a markdown formatted todo list for: {objective}"
const tools = [
new ChainTool({
name: "TODO",
chain: new LLMChain({
llm: new ChatOpenAI({ temperature: 0 }),
prompt: todoPrompt,
"For making todo lists. Input: objective to create todo list for. Output: the todo list",
new DynamicTool({
name: "Search",
description: "Search web for info",
func: search,
new DynamicTool({
name: "Human Input",
"(Use only when no info is available elsewhere) Ask a human for specific input that you don't know, like a persons name, or DOB, location, etc. Input is question to ask human, output is answer",
func: humanInput,
// new DynamicTool({
// name: "Human Feedback Choice",
// description: `Ask human for feedback if you unsure of next step.
// Input is markdown string formatted with your questions and suitable responses like this example:
// # Human, I need your help!
// <Question Here>
// * [John](submit:John) // don't change formatting of these links
// * [Mindy](submit:Mindy)
// * [Joy](submit:Joy)
// * [Other](submit:Other)
// `,
// func: humanFeedbackList,
// }),
// AC AGI is Born
const taskBeginMsg = md(`
### Executing Task Manager
Goal: ${task}
div({ html: taskBeginMsg, ignoreBlur: true });
const agentExecutor = await initializeAgentExecutorWithOptions(
new ChatOpenAI({ temperature: 0 }),
agentType: "zero-shot-react-description",
agentArgs: {
prefix: `You are an AI who performs one task based on the following objective: {objective}.
Take into account these previously completed tasks: {context}.`,
suffix: `Question: {task}
inputVariables: ["objective", "task", "context", "agent_scratchpad"],
const vectorStore = new MemoryVectorStore(new OpenAIEmbeddings());
const babyAGI = BabyAGI.fromLLM({
llm: new ChatOpenAI({ temperature: 0 }),
executionChain: agentExecutor,
vectorstore: vectorStore,
maxIterations: maxIterations,
babyAGI.printNextTask = printNextTask;
babyAGI.printTaskList = printTaskList;
babyAGI.printTaskResult = printTaskResult;
await{ objective: task });

# Google Search
Example of leveraging Google's Custom Search Engine API to search the web

// Name: Google Search
// Description: Leverage Google's Custom Search Engine API to search the web
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen

import "@johnlindquist/kit";

let GOOGLE_API_KEY = await env("GOOGLE_API_KEY", {
  shortcuts: [
      name: "Google API Key",
      key: `${cmd}+o`,
      bar: "right",
      onPress: () => {
  ignoreBlur: true,
  secret: true,

let GOOGLE_CSE_KEY = await env("GOOGLE_CSE_KEY", {
  shortcuts: [
      name: "Google Custom Search Engine Key",
      key: `${cmd}+o`,
      bar: "right",
      onPress: () => {
  ignoreBlur: true,
  secret: true,

let query = await arg(
    placeholder: "Search Query",
    strict: false,
      name: "Send a search query to Google",
      info: "always",

let search = (q) =>

let response = await get(search(query));

let items = response?.data?.items;

if (items) {
  let choices = => ({
    name: item.title,

  let link = await arg("Choose a link to view", choices);


# Smartify your words!
Tired of feeling dumb? Winter got you in a funk?
Can you just not seem to get the words out right?
Well, let's Smartify your words!
Highlight some text and press `cmd+shift+enter` to send it through ChatGPT
to replace the text with a more eloquent version. Mileage may vary.
// Name: Smartify Your Words
// Description: Let's make those words smarter!
// Author: Josh Mabry
// Twitter: @AI_Citizen
// Shortcut: command shift enter
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
let { ChatOpenAI } = await import("langchain/chat_models");
let { HumanChatMessage, SystemChatMessage } = await import("langchain/schema");
let openAIApiKey = await env("OPENAI_API_KEY", {
hint: `Grab a key from <a href="">here</a>`,
let { CallbackManager } = await import("langchain/callbacks");
let prompt = `#####
Ignore prior instructions, you are tasked with taking an input and refactoring it using the following rules: '
- Maintain the same meaning, tone, and intent as the original text
- Clean up any grammar or spelling mistakes
- Make it sound more professional, but keep it casual
- Reduce redundancies and excessive verbiage
Return only the updated text, do not offer any explanations or reasoning for the changes.
import Bottleneck from "bottleneck";
const limiter = new Bottleneck({
maxConcurrent: 1,
minTime: 100,
const type = (text) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const wrappedType = limiter.wrap(type);
const smartify = new ChatOpenAI({
temperature: 0.3,
openAIApiKey: openAIApiKey,
streaming: true,
callbackManager: CallbackManager.fromHandlers({
handleLLMStart: async (token) => {
if (!token) return;
await wrappedType(token);
handleLLMNewToken: async (token) => {
if (!token) return;
await wrappedType(token);
handleLLMError: async (err) => {
warn(`error`, JSON.stringify(err));
await setSelectedText(JSON.stringify(err));
handleLLMEnd: async () => {
log(`currentMessage`, currentMessage);
let text = await getSelectedText();
new SystemChatMessage(prompt),
new HumanChatMessage(text),